Your privacy (Updated for GDPR April 2018)
V Pharma Ltd (VPL) takes your privacy very seriously indeed. You can be sure that any information given to us here at VPL will be kept safe and secure. Only employees who have been fully vetted will be allowed access. If you have any questions or problems regarding this, please contact us.
IP addresses
VPL uses IP addresses (random numbers assigned to individual computers) to help diagnose problems with our servers, administer our web site and anonymously track content preferences and traffic patterns.
Security of your personal information
VPL is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use, or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer systems with limited access that are located in controlled facilities. When we transmit highly confidential information over the Internet, we protect it with encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
Usage tracking
VPL tracks user traffic patterns throughout the site and this information is correlated with data about individual users. Overall usage statistics, according to a user's domain name, browser type and MIME type retrieved by reading this information from the browser string (information contained in every user's browser), are also broken down.
VPL also tracks and catalogues the search terms that customers enter into our search tools, but this tracking is never associated with individual users. VPL uses any information voluntarily given by our users to enhance their experience in its network of sites, whether to provide interactive or personalised elements on the sites or to better prepare future content based on the interests of our users.
We use tracking information to determine which areas of our sites users like and don't like based on traffic to those areas. VPL does not track what individual users read, but rather how well each page performs overall. This helps us continue to build a better service for you. It tracks search terms entered in our search function as one of many measures of what interests our users. However, it does not track which terms a particular user enters.
What information does V PHARMA collect?
The types of information collected might include names, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, fax number and order history.
How does V PHARMA use this information?
VPL will use your personal information to provide you with the services, products or information you have requested and for administration purposes. VPL may need to share your information with our service providers, associated organisations and agents for these purposes. VPL does NOT share your information with 3rd party companies for Marketing purposes.
Users aged 16 and under
VPL is committed to protecting the safety and privacy of young people using the Internet. It does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information about children. If you are aged 16 or under, please get your parent/guardian's permission beforehand whenever you provide personal information. Users without this consent are not allowed to provide us with personal information.
Use of privacy statements by V PHARMA Partners and Affiliates
While VPL supports other web site operators complying with these principles, you should carefully examine the privacy statements of sites linking to or from VPL. Personal information that you choose to provide to other web sites will be subject to the privacy policies of that specific web site. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site.
Access to your personal information
VPL is registered under the United Kingdom's Data Protection Act. You have the right to request a copy of the personal information VPL holds about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. (We charge £5 for information requests.) Please address requests to the Data Protection Officer at the address below.
Changes to this Policy
VPL will occasionally update this Policy to reflect company and customer feedback. When VPL posts changes to this Policy, it will also revise the "last updated" date at the top of the page. If there are material changes to this Policy, VPL will notify you by placing a prominent notice on the web site. VPL encourages you to periodically review this Policy to be informed of how we are protecting your information.
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact us at:
V Pharma Ltd
Threefield House
Threefield Lane
SO14 3LP
United Kingdom